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Ways to Give

Even a well-resourced school district can do with some extra help. Any extra support you can provide our students is very much appreciated. 


General Aid

General aid will be used at the discretion of the Booster Club Board, with the intent of improving instruments, classroom equipment, or providing financial aid to students that need it.


We suggest a starting amount of $50 and up.

Teacher Helping Student Playing Violin

Coaching Hours

Every year, we bring in instrument-specific coaches to support students in all classes. For students that have never received private lessons, this provides dedicated instruction to them from local professionals and teachers.


We need approximately thirty hours. If you would like your donation to be designated for coaching hours, please note that in the payment step.

Image by Gui Avelar

Tour Scholarships

Every couple of years the Orchestra travels out of state to perform in a prestigious Arts Event. 

In March 2023, our students participated in the Disney Performing Arts Program.  The Booster Club supported students who would otherwise have been unable to afford the $1,400 cost of the trip. 


We suggest a starting amount of $100 and up. If you would like your donation to be designated for student scholarship / financial aid, please note that in the payment step.

Musical Notes



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Sponsor or donate an instrument

Help us expand our inventory so that all students have access to high quality instruments. 

To find out more., please contact the Orchestra Boosters Club or Mr. Kam

Sponsoring an instrument (in full or in part) is a great way of helping expand our resources. Alternatively, you might have a used instrument that your family has owned. We're more than happy to accept donations but would kindly ask that the instrument is in good working condition or be taken in for service before donating.

Over the last five years, our enrollment across Bellevue High Orchestras has increased by over 10%! That translates into more instrument needs. We are at the brink of what we can provide. Each generation of musicians that has come into BHS Orchestras has helped expand inventory, and now we are asking you to be a part of that legacy.

The Orchestra Boosters Club is looking for full or partial funding for the following instruments:

A double bass

Andre Tellis* Double Bass ($2,967)

A cello

Andre Tellis* Cello  ($2,542)

A violin

Andre Tellis* Violin ($1,359)

* all Andre Tellis models are hand carved with ebony fittings and a nitro-cellulose or lacquer finish. All instruments are handmade and professionally set up by Hammond Ashley Violins in Issaquah. Each instrument includes fitting a new bridge, planing the fingerboard, fitting the tuning pegs correctly, adjusting the soundpost, installing D'Addario or Thomastic brand strings and a high quality fine tuning tailpiece. 


Donations in action

The Orchestra Booster Club is thrilled to have assisted with the purchase of a new $3000 bass in 2021 and will continue to help fill the gaps where district funding falls short.  

Bellevue High School Orchestra Boosters

© 2023 BHS Orchestra Boosters

Contact Us

℅ Bellevue Wolverine Boosters

PO Box 50501

Bellevue, WA  98015-0501

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