Gallery & History

2025 Honors

2025 WMEA
All-State Orchestra
Chloe Chiang, Violin
Chloe Chen, Cello
Jeannee Chin, Cello
2025 ANfME
All-Northwest Orchestra
Isaac Cho, Cello
Evan Du, Cello
Xintong Su, Cello
Carmen Aguado-Scheyer, Bass
Bridget Hovind, Bass

2024 Honors
All-State Symphony Orchestra
Carmen Aguado-Scheyer, String Bass
Chloe Chen, Cello
Chloe Chiang, Violin
Isaac Cho, Cello
Bridget Hovind, String Bass
Madeline Lee, Violin
Ethan Ma, Cello
Keona Tang, Violin
Yue Yu, Cello
WMEA All-State Philharmonic Strings
Evan Du, Cello
Evan Hsueh, Violin
Joshua Lee, Violin
Giyun Kim, Violin
Jerry Zhang, Violin
WMEA All-State Chamber Orchestra
Nicole Kim, Violin
Wonjoon Sung, Violin
2023 Honors
All-State Orchestra
Hailey Chen, Violin
Hosannah Choi, Violin
Evan Hsueh, Violin
Nicole Kim, Violin
Jungho Park, Violin
Avery Su, Violin
Alex Sung, Violin
Caroline Wang, Violin
Esther Yoon, Violin
Chloe Chen, Cello
Isaac Cho, Cello
Ethan Ma, Cello
Mina Wang, Cello
Bridget Hovind, Bass
Jed Subong, Bass
Dennis McIntryre, Bass
Elisa Teh, Bass
NAfME All-Northwest Orchestra
Keona Tang, Violin
Sue Yu, Violin
Issac Wong, Cello
Taeyoung Yoon, Cello
Jean Yu, Cello
Yue Yu, Cello
WMEA Honors Orchestra
2021 - 2022 Honors
Symphony Orchestra
Chloe Chen, Cello
Evan Hsueh, Violin
Nicole Kim, Violin
Adam Jed Subong, String Bass
Alex Sung, Violin
Keona Tang, Violin
Caroline Wang, Violin
Isaac Wong, Cello
Taeyoung Yoon, Cello
Chamber Orchestra
Giyun Kim, Violin
Dennis McIntyre, String Bass
Grace Park, Violin
Jungho Park, Violin
Marina Wong, Violin
Alicia Wu, Violin
Esther Yoon, Violin
Jean Yu, Cello
Sue Yu, Violin
Concert Band
Bridget Hovind, String Bass

BHS Chamber earns 2nd Place at State Festival!
March 12th, 2022
Bellevue High Chamber Orchestra earned 2nd Place at the American String Teachers Association / WWU State Orchestra Festival.
The students performed Vivaldi's Concerto Grosso Op. 8, No. 3 with Marina Wong and Grace Park as soloists, and Jan Van Der Roost's Rikudim. For many students, this was their first field trip in two years, and they were thrilled at the opportunity.
Performance at Disney World Performing Arts OnStage
Anaheim, California Music Festival (Apr 2019)
Central Washington Orchestra Festival
Sinfonia & Concert (Mar 2019)
Eastshore Orchestra Festival
Chamber, Sinfonia & Concert (Mar 2019)
Western Washington University Orchestra Festival
Chamber (Mar 2019)
University of Washington Orchestra Festival
Chamber Orchestra (Feb 2019)
Thirteen Bellevue High School participants in the Washington Music Educators’ Association All-State (Feb 2019):
All-Northwest (4): 1 Violin, 1 Viola and 2 Cellos.
All-State Symphony (9) : 4 Violins, 3 Violas, and 2 Cellos.